Woodland House is included in ArchDaily's newly published 100 Best Wood Architecture Projects in the US

In coordination with ThinkWood, ArchDaily has released its list of the 100 Best Wood Architecture Projects in the US that exemplify wooden construction and its prominence at “the forefront of architecture and design”. We are honored to have Woodland House selected for inclusion.

A Flurry of Publications!

Uptown Penthouse to be included in the upcoming Panache publication 21st Century Homes.
Farquar Lake Residence Featured in the August issue of Chilean publication VD el Murcurio.
Farquar Lake Residence featured in Archinnovations.com August, 2010.
Uptown Penthouse featured on ArchDaily.com July 16, 2010.
Farquar Lake Residence featured on Contemporist.com July, 2010.
Farquar Lake Residence featured on ArchDaily.com June 23, 2010.
Minnetonka Residence featured on ArchDaily.com June 22, 2010.